Revive Adserver Hosted edition runs the world's most popular, open source, ad serving system, through a Software as a Service Platform.

Geolocation Magic Macros for Revive Adserver Hosted edition

14 Jul 2020 | Benefits, Featured

The recently opened Revive Adserver Plugin store offers the new Geolocation Magic Macros plugin.

Today we’re adding this plugin, free of charge, on all existing and future accounts in the Revive Adserver Hosted edition.

Geolocation is a technique that uses the IP address of a website visitor to lookup their geographic location.

This means that you can use their location to target banners so that only those visitors from a specific country or a set of towns will get to see the banner.

The Geolocation Magic Macros plugin, a.ka. MagicGeo adds an additional feature, enabling you to automatically display the name of the location in the text and links of banners.

Here is an example of a text banner, delivered in real time from the Revive Adserver Hosted edition, that shows your actual country and city.

The HTML code in this sample text banner is very simple, and doesn’t require complex technical expertise:

<strong>Hello reader from {}, probably in town {}.</strong><br />
Your location was determined with an accuracy of {geo.accuracy_radius} kilometers.

You can start using the new macros right away. There is no need to purchase anything, and there are no additional costs for using it.

Detailed documentation listing all available macros can be found on the developer’s website at

Please note that Geolocation is not an exact science, see the explanation about geolocation accuracy.

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